Sunday, April 9, 2017

Reflection for Holy Week, Part 1

Monday – To See Lazarus

The Jews didn't just come to see Jesus; they also came to see Lazarus. Lazarus was a novelty, a man who had come back from the dead. That wasn't someone the Jews ran into everyday, and they were curious. Did he remember what it was like to be dead? What did he see and hear beyond this world? What could he tell them about the great unknown?

If Lazarus could answer any of these questions, he didn't seem to be talking. At least his words aren't recorded in Scripture, and most likely, Jesus had advised him to say nothing of his experience. Jesus wasn't in the business of satisfying people's curiosity about the mystery of life after death. He was much more concerned about saving their souls so they could experience the very best of eternity. He wasn't about to have His saving message drowned out by the demands of spiritual sightseers.

This leaves us with some questions. What would we have done if we had lived in the days of Lazarus? Would we have given in to our curiosity and gone to see him? Would we have swamped him with questions? Or would we have tried to look beyond the miracle to the Miracle-worker and focus our attention on Him? When we hear of miracles happening today, even honest to goodness, legitimate ones, which attitude do we take? Do we seek the strangeness of the miracle or the love of the God who performed it?

Tuesday – It Was Night

It was night. Judas takes the morsel of food from Jesus and leaves. And it was night. Jesus tells His apostles that they cannot follow Him where He is about to go. And it was night. Peter announces that he is willing to lay down his life for Jesus, but Jesus predicts that before the cock crows, Peter will deny Him three times. And it was night.

Darkness surrounds Jesus and His apostles. Jesus' hour approaches. Soon the soldiers will come for Him. Soon He will be led before the courts. Soon He will be condemned to death. Soon He will hang upon the cross. Soon He will die.

And it was night.

Wednesday – A Well-trained Tongue

Give me, Lord, a well-trained tongue that I may comfort the weary and depressed.
Give me, Lord, a well-trained tongue that I may provide hope to the hurting.
Give me, Lord, a well-trained tongue that I may teach Your ways.
Give me, Lord, a well-trained tongue that I may spread Your word.
Give me, Lord, a well-trained tongue that I may speak words of love.
Give me, Lord, a well-trained tongue that I may express my faith.
Give me, Lord, a well-trained tongue that I may always proclaim You.

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