Saturday, October 16, 2010

Three Commands

I once asked Jesus how I might serve Him better, how I might be the kind of Christian He wants me to be.  During meditation, I received an answer I’ll never forget: “Sit at My feet.  Touch My robe.  Pour yourself out.”

The first of these three commands comes from Luke 10:38-42, the story of Martha and Mary.  When Martha complains that her sister Mary is failing to be the proper hostess, Jesus offers a lesson in priorities.  Mary chose the better part, He says.  She sat at His feet and listened as He taught.  How can we sit at Jesus’ feet?  There are many ways: prayer, meditation, Scripture study, spiritual reading, recollection, anything that allows us to listen to the Lord and converse with Him.

The second command is found in the story of the woman with the hemorrhage (Matthew 9:20-22; Mark 5:25-31; Luke 8:43-48).  The woman, who had been suffering for twelve years with no relief, was positive that if she just touched the hem of Jesus’ robe, she would be healed, and she was, instantly.  She put all her faith and hope in Jesus, trusting in His power to heal her every ill.  We must do the same.

The third command is based on the story of the sinful woman who poured ointment and her own tears on Jesus’ feet (Luke 7:36-50).  In doing so, she poured herself out before Him, offering Him all her sorrow and pain.  We, too, must pour ourselves out before Jesus and give Him all we have, all our joys and sorrows, all our love, all that we are so that we may be all His.

Three commands: “Sit at My feet.  Touch My robe.  Pour yourself out.”  Three commands…straight from Jesus’ Heart to ours.  

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