Saturday, February 15, 2025

Scripture Notes: Driven by Fear, Part 3 (Genesis 26)

Abraham may have learned from the consequences of his double lie, the two times when he tried to pass off Sarah as his sister rather than his wife. But their son, Isaac, ends up doing the exactly the same thing. The lie passes down to the next generation (yet another consequence that Abraham did not foresee).

Isaac and Rebekah are living in Gerar, under the rule of the king Abimelech. Now Abimelech had proven himself to be a pretty good guy the first time around with Abraham. But Isaac experiences the same kind of fear his father did, the danger of a beautiful wife and the risk of getting killed if someone else wants Rebekah for himself. So Isaac lies and says Rebekah is his sister.

Poor Abimelech! He looks out the window one day and sees Isaac and Rebekah doing something that is decidedly not brotherly or sisterly. At that point the king knows his guests are definitely a married couple. He must experience a bit of deja vu as he asks Isaac why he lied and listens to his response of fear. Once again Abimelech is rather hurt. This could have brought down a great sin and a great guilt and a great calamity upon his people.

But just as before, the king does not get angry. Instead, he warns his people not to touch Isaac and Rebekah, and the couple is able to prosper in the land. This prosperity does not, of course, come from Isaac’s lie but rather from God’s protection and Abimelech’s mercy and patience.

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