Saturday, November 18, 2023

The Litany Project: Litany of the Holy Ghost, Part 11

Holy Ghost, teach us to pray well.

We do not know how to pray as we ought. Paul tells us this in Romans 8:26, and he explains that the Holy Spirit prays within us. The Spirit teaches us how to pray if we open ourselves to His guidance. He guides in opening our hearts and minds to the Blessed Trinity. He Who is love shows us how to express ourselves in love. 

When we listen to and follow the Holy Spirit’s instructions on prayer, we learn that prayer is all about expanding our desire for God. We learn that prayer is far more about getting Someone than about getting something. God wants us to ask for what we need and want for ourselves and others, but He also wants us to grow ever closer to Him in prayer and in love. This is what the Spirit teaches us when He teaches us to pray well.

Holy Ghost, enlighten us with Thy heavenly inspirations.

The Holy Spirit inspires all of us. He nudges us in particular directions. He guides us into a deeper understanding of truth. He shows us how to act with love in all situations. He shines a light into our hearts, minds, and souls that that we may know ourselves, and so that we do not get discouraged by what we learn, He enlightens us about God’s great love even for weak, sinful little people like us.

Holy Ghost, lead us in the way of salvation.

In 1 Timothy 2:4, Paul tells us that God “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” The Holy Spirit leads us into that salvation, filling us with the divine presence when we are baptized and guiding us to deeper faith, hope, and love as we grow ever closer to God along the path to Heaven. That is the goal, of course, Heaven, the beatific vision, eternal life face-to-face with God, full immersion in His love forever and ever. 

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