On Sundays and solemnities we are blessed with the Second Reading after the Responsorial Psalm. Notice that I say “blessed.” It is always better to hear more of Sacred Scripture than less, for as Vatican II's Dei Verbum reminds us, in the Bible, God “meets His children with great love and speaks to them.” He expresses His love for us in every word of Scripture, so we should remain attentive and open as we listen to the Second Reading.
The Second Reading almost always comes from the New Testament, most often from the epistles but also from the Book of Revelation, especially during the Easter season. We listen closely as St. Paul, St. John, St. Peter, St. James, or St. Jude tells us what we must believe about Jesus, explains how we should live the Christian life, and warns us about the days to come. These readings can be challenging to understand, so we should always read them ahead of time and perhaps even study them after Mass, especially if the priest explains them during the homily. This will increase our understanding.
After the lector finishes the Second Reading, he or she proclaims, “The Word of the Lord.” And we respond “Thanks be to God,” truly meaning it, for we should always be filled with gratitude that God has chosen to give us His Revelation and to communicate His love.
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