Sunday, November 10, 2019

Interacting with Samuel, Part 6

Let's continue our journey through the First Book of Samuel. Remember, these questions are designed to help us interact deeply with the text, and more importantly with the Author of the text, i.e., God. They are meant to start up a meditation and a conversation that begin with God's Word and lead into a personal encounter with our Lord.

1 Samuel 11

*The people of Jabesh are in quite a tight spot, for they cannot defend themselves against the Ammonites nor accept the terms of the Ammonite treaty. What are those terms? Why do the Ammonites demand such terms?

*When Saul hears of the Ammonite threat, he is furious. What happens to him, and how does he respond?

*Do you think God may have allowed such a threat for a reason? If so, what is that reason?

*Look closely at verse 10. What do the men of Jabesh do, and why do they do it?

*How do the people of Israel react to Saul's victory over the Ammonites? What does Saul's reply to the people's suggestion show about his character?

1 Samuel 12

*Now that the Israelites have the king they demanded, Samuel is retiring as their judge. In this chapter, he gives his farewell speech. Identify the various parts of his discourse. What does he start with, and where does he go from there?

*Why does Samuel spend so much time focusing on his innocence before the people?

*Samuel looks back into history to show how God has worked with and for His people in the past. Why does he do this? Examine your own history and that of your family and community. How has God worked for you?

*What was the Israelites' sin when they asked for a king?

*What does Samuel agree to do for the people? What does he tell them they must do in return?

*What do the words “fear the Lord” mean to you?

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