Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Reflections for the 2nd Week in Advent, Part 2

Thursday - “I Will Help You”

When your sins overwhelm you and you wonder how you will ever be forgiven...

“Fear not, I will help you.” 

When anxiety grips your heart and threatens to pull you beneath its waves...

“Fear not, I will help you.” 

When pain wracks your body and your mind...

“Fear not, I will help you.” 

When sorrow embraces you and you cannot stop the tears from spilling over...

“Fear not, I will help you.” 

When you've been betrayed by someone you love and you don't know whom to trust...

“Fear not, I will help you.” 

When your life seems to be crashing down around you and you have no idea what to do...

“Fear not, I will help you.” 

Friday – The Prince of Peace

Jesus Christ is our Prince of Peace. He pours His peace into our hearts if we let Him, settling us in the calm embrace of His love and soothing our fears and anxieties. Although He sometimes allows us to experience pain and sorrow, He gives us the grace to endure and always brings good out of our trials.

Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace in our relationships. We can only be truly at peace with others if we are at peace with Jesus and allow His love to flow through our relationships. If we let Him, Jesus will heal the wounds we inflict on each other and bring harmony to our dealings with those around us.

Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace for the whole world. The world will only have peace when the world's people have Jesus Christ. Only He can bring the world the security we so crave.

Jesus Christ, please be our Prince of Peace. Amen.

Saturday – The Highest Honor of Our Race

The Blessed Virgin Mary is “the highest honor of our race,” as we pray in today's Responsorial Psalm from the Book of Judith. Conceived without original sin, Mary was saved by a preventative outpouring of the grace her divine Son would one day merit on the Cross at Calvary. Safeguarded by that grace, she never committed a single personal sin. 

Mary said “yes” to the task God offered her and became the Mother of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. She continued to say “yes” every day of her life, all the way to the Cross, where she stood beside her Son as He died, still accepting the divine plan to the very core of her being. 

As the sinless Mother of God, Mary was assumed body and soul into Heaven, but her activity on earth did not end. On the Cross, Jesus gave His Mother to us to be our Mother, too, and she fills that role with zeal and great love. As our Advocate, she brings our petitions before her Son and prays for us. As our Mediatrix, she distributes God's graces to her spiritually hungry children. 

Mary is indeed “the highest honor of our race,” but she is also very close to us, showering us with a love second only to that of God Himself.

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