Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Little Something Extra...Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

Jesus, You came to John to be baptized at the Jordon River. May all Christians recognize the greatness and necessity of the gift of Christian baptism. 

Jesus, the humble John tried to prevent You from being baptized, for he knew that he was unworthy to perform the act and that You didn't really need it anyway. May we humbly recognize our littleness and Your greatness. 

Jesus, You told John that Your baptism was part of the Father's plan, and John consented to baptize You. May we always submit to Your will and follow Your plan. 

Jesus, You went down into the water, making it holy. May we, who have been baptized in water, remain holy. 

Jesus, when You came up out of the water, You were praying to Your Father. May we pray always with love and devotion. 

Jesus, the Holy Spirit descended on You in the form of a dove. May we receive the Holy Spirit and bask in His indwelling presence. 

Jesus, the Father's voice echoed from Heaven: “You are My beloved Son; with You I am well pleased.” May we always live as the children of the Father that He may be well pleased with us.


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