Saturday, October 5, 2024

Scripture Notes: Come, Lord Jesus! (Revelation 22)

The Book of Revelation is arguably the most difficult book of the Bible to understand. It is filled with horrifying imagery, multi-layered symbols, and news of terrifying trials and tribulations. But it also gives us the best news ever: God wins! Through it all, God protects and cares for and loves His people. No matter what they suffer, He is right beside them, giving that suffering meaning and redemptive power and guiding them through it and home to His new creation.

That is why the Spirit and the Bride (the Church) resound with a prayer and a plea and an invitation at the end of Revelation: Come, Lord Jesus! We are invited to join in. We long for Jesus to come to us, in the Eucharist, in response to our prayers, when we gather as Christians to pray and worship, when we study our faith. We long for Jesus to come to us at the time of our death so that He can lead us home. We long for Jesus to come to us at the end of time when He will finally be all in all and inaugurate a new Heaven and new earth where we will live with Him forever.  

So we pray, “Come, Lord Jesus!” And we hear Him respond: “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen.

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