Thursday, November 24, 2016

Reflection for the 34th Week in Ordinary Time, Part 2

Thursday – Raise Your Heads

“Stand erect and raise your heads...” In the worst of times, in the midst of persecution, when disaster strikes, when fear closes in...

“Stand erect and raise your heads...” For Jesus is right beside you pouring out His grace for your redemption...

Believe. Hope. Love. Trust. Look up to Heaven. Keep your eyes on God.

“Stand erect and raise your heads...”

Friday – New Heaven and New Earth

St. John's vision of the end of time in the Book of Revelation is truly amazing. Listen again to his description:

“Then I saw a new Heaven and a new earth.
The former heaven and the former earth had passed away,
and the sea was no more.
I also saw the holy city, a new Jerusalem,
coming down out of heaven from God,
prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.”

A new Heaven and a new earth... Our minds can hardly even grasp that concept. We can't really picture it because we are so firmly immersed in our current world. But we know that God has something marvelous in store for us, something perfectly beautiful and perfectly good and perfectly true.

In difficult times, we must hold on tightly to that promise of things to come, not because we're trying to escape where we are right now but because we're traveling toward something even better and ever striving to improve our current situation along the way. After all, we want to come as close as possible to Heaven even while we still live on earth and as close as possible to the new Heaven and earth even during this time of preparation.

Saturday – Rock of Our Salvation

God, Rock of our salvation, keep us firm in our faith.
God, Rock of our salvation, keep us steady in our hope.
God, Rock of our salvation, keep us solid in our love.
God, Rock of our salvation, may we stand strong in Your sacraments.
God, Rock of our salvation, may we hold tightly to Your Word.
God, Rock of our salvation, may we remain steadfast in Your moral law.
God, Rock of our salvation, pour out Your grace upon us at every moment.

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