Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.
Who are the poor in spirit? They are the anawim, God's poor ones, the people who rely completely on God to meet their needs. No matter how many material possessions they have, they place themselves before God in total dependence upon Him. They use their goods according to His will and do not become attached to the things of this world. They are not controlled by their stuff. They do not allow it to own them. Rather, they use it for God's purposes.
Notice the blessing the poor in spirit receive. Theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. Because they have let go of this world, they can enter into God's kingdom, already here on earth and fully in Heaven. They can focus on their relationship with God without as many distractions. They can grow in love without the strain of envy or snobbery. They can give of what they have and find true riches.
Indeed, blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.